consensus – Is a Taproot output with unparseable x-only pubkey unspendable? – CoinNewsTrend

consensus – Is a Taproot output with unparseable x-only pubkey unspendable?


Does that imply there is not any technique to spend it? I.e. there is not any doable key or script path.


It can’t be spent as a key path, as a result of that may require a legitimate signature for the output level interpreted as a public key (which can fail even earlier than attending to the signature validation half).

And it can’t be spent via a script path, as a result of that requires offering an inner key which, when tweaked, yields the output level. Because the output level just isn’t on the curve on this state of affairs, the results of the tweaking can by no means be equal to it.

Usually this witness is a public key

Terminology nit: this is not a witness; it is a witness program (the factor that will get pushed after the OP_n in a segwit output or redeemScript).


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